
Monthly Archives: July 2009

Yo Everyone,

The street artist “Eddie” is having an Art Showcase next Thursday, July 30th. Complimentary wine and cocktails.

Eddie Colla is one of those artists for whom the simple act of categorization quickly becomes a task of Herculean measure. I’m hesitant to call him a street artist though his art was recently featured in Steve Rotman’s San Francisco Street Art book and I’m reluctant to call him a gallery artist though his fine art was displayed earlier this year in’s Manifest Hope exhibit. Eddie will probably never admit to being a photojournalist, though the New York Times would disagree, and he’s averse to labeling himself a commercial photographer though Rasco, Casual, Dan the Automator, Dj Keoki and the Heiroglyphics crew all have album and magazine covers that say otherwise. I’ve seen Spike Lee wearing his shirts on television (Eddie also owns a successful clothing company) and I pass by his stickers, stencils and wheatpastes anytime I’m in San Francisco. He is, in the end, one of those artists for whom regardless of which aspects of his work you may be familiar with, his raw talent translates on a universal level, whether it’s on the street you live on, in a gallery you’re perusing, on an album cover you once bought, in a newspaper you’ve read or on the t-shirt that you’re wearing.

-Ken Harman

440 Branan front For web

440 Brannan back for web

This design was inspired by our recent trip to Hong Kong some months ago.

Bike Girl Women's Tee in White

Bike Girl Women's Tee in White

Making the design itself and the eventual photo shoot with our models wearing the design turned out great, but the process for finding that blasted bike in the design took fcking forever.

The kicker was, after all the searching for this specific bicycle, just for one design, we later found out our neighbor had the exact bicycle in her storage unit. Next door. The entire time.


Bike Girl Men's Tee in White Burnout

Bike Girl Men's Tee in White Burnout

We’re testing out this design on several different makes and models of shirts. Any suggestions/comments send em over. Cheers.